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Posts tagged ‘photographs’

Slightly prickly


Are there days in your life when you meet people and they are just prickly? I like to consider myself a fairly calm and centred person, and I try very very hard when encountering such individuals to let it flow round me, however there are odd occasions when I believe the re-introduction of village stocks is the way forward !! m

Time for a holiday


Been full speed on all fronts and my body has no told me its time for a holiday. Picture is from my daughter.




Had the privilege of staying in Florence at the Baglioni. Not sure we could have picked a better spot than their roof garden to watch the sunset . m



Like most people I have good days and bad days, however regardless of the day this little fella sits on our stairs and smiles up at me. m

Simply pretty




Sometimes do you just wake up and hope the day will be gentle ? m



I have been very blessed to find a small group of people in my life who seem to love me for who I am. It is a gift that has made itself clear to me as I learned to be comfortable in my own skin. How many of you have watched a movie where the love overcomes anything – for me the one that often comes to mind and makes me smile is The Lake House .Guess what I am trying to say here is that for you to find your Lake House moment you need to like yourself. Your probably a pretty cool person so tell yourself that and let the magic happen. m


Fairy Tale


Have you ever tried to meditate? I like many people have talked about it , sat still for the odd moment, been on lots of long runs but have never made a conscious effort to really try and meditate. I changed all that recently, and I have to say it has been a revelation. If you need to step out and away from an all consuming daily drama and find some space for calm and serenity, I would suggest making a date in your diary for you and meditation. I am sure every single person on the planet will have a different experience, but the most important thing is that it is yours and yours alone. So today is Sunny, the flowers in my local woods are at their most magnificent, and I am already looking forward to a game a squash with my son and then a meditate for me because I deserve it. Have a fab day and treat yourself. m

Light and Life


Sometimes language really does fail us . For v.  m